Tagged: 19th century

Vincent Van Gogh Green Field Art Print

Vincent Van Gogh Green Field 1889 Fine Art Painting Vincent van Gogh painted dozens of Wheat Fields (series of paintings), born out of his religious studies and sermons, connection to nature, appreciation of manual...

Vincent Van Gogh Night After Millet

Vincent Van Gogh Night (After Millet) 1889 Fine Art Painting Copies by Vincent van Gogh form an important group of paintings executed by Vincent van Gogh between 1887 and early 1890. While at Saint-Paul...

William Morris Tree Of Life

William Morris Tree Of Life – Garden Of Delight William Morris was an English textile designer, artist, writer, and socialist associated with the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood and English Arts and Crafts Movement. He founded a...

Claude Monet Sunset In Venice

Claude Monet Sunset In Venice (1912) Saint-Georges majeur au crepuscule (Eng: Dusk in Venice, San Giorgio Maggiore by Twilight or Sunset in Venice) is an Impressionist painting by Claude Monet completed between 1908 and...

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